Dispute Resolution and Litigation Proceedings

Okyay | Evren with its budget-friendly, data focused and efficient communications with clients along with the strategic partnership understanding is the choice of national and international companies and start-up in all size on the provided services.
Okyay | Evren is aware of the priorities and difficulties on the business life and aims to evaluate other possible options on the dispute resolution by providing planned and strategic legal services with preventive approach. The reconciliation is the priority and even in the most complex situations alternative precautions and alternative dispute resolution methods must be evaluated. In the event of inability to prevent litigation proceedings, Okyay | Evren observes the benefits of the clients in a decisive and competent manner in all stages of disputes and determines and realizes applicable strategies.
Okyay | Evren is an important partner to the national and international clients on the judicial and administrative processes with Okyay | Evren’s extensive knowledge on this area and budget-friendly strategy. Okyay | Evren with its business focused strategy that is usually planned before the litigation proceedings, renders the long and high-tension processes surpassingly easy to the clients.
Okyay | Evren works in cooperation with the clients on the subjects of development of compliance programs to lower the risk of proceedings to a minimum level and evaluation of the periodic risks.
Okyay | Evren with its experienced litigation attorneys provides legal support on all subjects of commercial and corporate law including the commercial lawsuits, employment lawsuits, insurance lawsuits, intellectual property lawsuits and contradictive claims to national and international companies, individuals and institutions, banking and finance organizations and insurance companies.
Okyay | Evren provides services to national and international clients on the subject of recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions and international arbitration decisions in Turkey. In a same manner, Okyay | Evren also provides services for recognition and enforcement of Turkish court decisions and arbitration decisions in abroad and execution of the process with the international law firms overseas.
Okyay | Evren represents national and international clients before national and international arbitration boards and defends the rights of the clients while execution of such processes.
Okyay | Evren, as an expert negotiator with the knowledge on the determination of resolution methods applicable to the disputes instead of filing an immediate lawsuit process, providing mediation services on the legal disputes with a registered mediator on the registry of Ministry of Justice, providing mediation educational services and providing the best representation of the clients with the extensive knowledge on negotiation techniques and Okyay | Evren regularly provides services to the national and international clients on the subjects such as reconciliation and mediation services on between the departments on workplace disputes.
- All kinds of disputes regarding the employment law, particularly reemployment and claimable of the workers
- Trade Union lawsuit proceedings
- All kinds of disputes arising from the commercial agreements
- Lawsuits regarding intellectual property
- Lawsuits regarding unfair competition and advertising
- Execution proceedings with and without judgement
- Lawsuits regarding trade secrets
- Collection of debts and bankruptcy
- Proceedings of assets and its return
- Investigations, white collar crimes and fraud
- Product responsibility and consumer lawsuits
- Administrative lawsuits regarding the regulation, decree, communiqué, decision and transactions and cancellation of administrative fines against all kinds of administrative units and authorities including the Competition Authority, Capital Market Board and Advertisement Board and tax lawsuits
- Representation of the clients before local and international arbitration boards and follow-up with the process
- Recognition of the foreign courts and arbitrators and its enforcement
- Mediation representation services