
Yuksel Okyay
Avukat, ArabulucuYüksel Okyay graduated from Dokuz Eylül Law Faculty in 2002. She is a trademark and patent attorney for over 10 years. In 2013 she become one of the first mediators that are registered under Mediation Office of Turkey and she increased her competency with international accreditation that she obtained with the education she had received.
Okyay provides consultancy services on the subjects of employment law, execution law, debt follow-up and liquidation, family law, inheritance law, European Court of Human Rights proceedings, litigation proceedings and mediation to the national, international and foreign clients.
Following the forming of the mediation organization in Turkey, Okyay becomes prominent with her works in this field and contributes to clients as mediator in resolution processes before lawsuits. By this means, she provided far faster and economical legal solutions to the clients by providing assistance for resolution before various disputes become lawsuit proceedings.
In addition, Okyay had taken part in founder management of Izmir Mediators Foundation and International Mediation Foundation and as of now she is still the Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Mediation Foundation. She is a member of American – Turkish Business Development Council. Aside from this, she is a member of MBBI (Mediator Beyond Border International) and founder of the Turkey Chapter.
She is one of the founding members of the Akdeniz Dispute Resolution Center and as of now she is still a partner and manager. She is actively acting as attorney, mediator, educator and trademark and patent attorney.

Eren Evren
Avukat, Patent & Marka VekiliEren Evren, graduating from Dokuz Eylül University Law Faculty in 2002 completed the Economic Law Post Graduate Program in 2008 at the same university. In addition, Evren is a trademark and patent attorney over 10 years.
Evren is providing consultancy services to the international companies from the beginning of his career on the subjects of questions and problems of commercial activities in Turkey, projects, corporate law, employment law, intellectual property, legal and administrative policies and lawsuit proceedings.
More particularly Evren has an extensive knowledge on the subjects of employment law, contracts law and intellectual property law.
Evren provided a successful result to the client in an employmentlaw lawsuit that has been brought to General Assembly of Civil Chambers that involves various direct sales companies that are active in Turkey and contains approximately 1,5 million individuals that are the members of the direct sales companies and prevents a major blow on the industry by such means. Evren has also import success on employer representation on hundreds of “determination of simulation and restitution to primary employer” lawsuits that are conducted against the client. In addition, he has accumulation of knowledge on every branch of employment law by providing services as employer representative on various reemployment, claims of the workers and work accident lawsuits. Moreover, Evren is a legal expert on the subject of employment law.
In addition, he successfully conducted erasure of various trademarks in the register and successfully represented the clients in lawsuits regarding the violation of intellectual property rights.
Evren acts as a legal consultant of various non-governmental organizations such as Ege Sağlık Kuruluşları Derneği (Ege Healthcare Organizations Association) who has 240 members in Aegean region and İzmir Hastaneler Vakfı (İzmir Hospitals Foundation).
Evren with its articles published in various industrial platform also publishes articles on the subjects of intellectual property and employment law. Evren is regularly attending to the international conferences.